Steps to Choose Display Columns:
1) Click on a Module in the Related Modules pane that you would like
to use to display data in your report. By default, the primary module (top node
in the tree view) that you chose during the 'Select Module' step is
You can select fields from a related module (child node in
the tree view) by clicking on the module. Modules related to the modules related
to the primary module can also be selected. The module that you select
determines which reportable fields appear in the Available Fields
2) Click on the Field in the Available Fields pane to
display the field data in the records in your report. You can also search for
the field by typing in the text box in the pane.
After selecting any
number of fields from the module selected in the Related Modules pane,
you can choose a different module from which you can select additional fields.
You can select any number of fields, but the report is generated more slowly and
becomes less readable when you add more than necessary fields in the report.
You can change the order fields by dragging and dropping them to the desired
position. Changing the field order changes the order in which the columns are
displayed in the results.